Everything you need to know about skin moisturisation

layers of the skin

Your skin is an organ. In fact, it’s the largest organ in your body. Just like any other organ, the skin has various daily functions, one of them being to protect your internal organs from external factors such as the weather, bacteria, and physical impact. Essentially, skin is your body’s natural barrier. 

When looking at the skin’s composition, around 64% of it consists of water. This means that keeping your skin hydrated is very important to ensure it functions optimally. Apart from that, hydrated skin also looks much healthier – it is smooth, even in colour, and has a dewy shine to it. Hydration also helps combat the signs of ageing as it makes wrinkles less visible to the eye.

To avoid dry or dehydrated skin, here are some do’s and don’ts for your daily skincare routine.

The truth about showers

Yes, even though a lot of people may think showers hydrate the skin, they can actually have the opposite effect. Following these tips will ensure you don’t dry out your skin in the shower:

Temperature: Avoid using hot water. Rather use warm water, especially in winter when the air is less humid.

Time: Try and limit your time in the shower to 5 – 10 minutes.

Post-shower: Gently blot your skin dry with a towel. Immediately apply a moisturiser to trap existing moisture in your skin. 

From the inside out

Taking care of your skin from the outside is important, but so is self-care from the inside. Apart from drinking enough water, factors such as diet, lifestyle, and environment can play a part in how hydrated your skin is. Antioxidant-rich foods such as fruits and vegetables – especially beets, spinach, and mushrooms – are a big step in the right direction towards healthier skin.

Try to avoid alcohol, a lot of coffee, and food and beverages high in sugar and sodium – these will all negatively affect your skin. 

Smear on the SPF

Sunscreen isn’t only for the beach. Unprotected skin can be damaged by UV rays, leading to dry and irritated skin. If this continues, the fibers in your skin may struggle to stay hydrated, leading to persistent dry skin and excessive wrinkles. Applying sunscreen on a regular basis will both protect you from the sun and lock in skin moisture.

Lock in moisture with Protex

As a natural barrier, your skin can protect you against external factors, such as germs. Skin also maintains its natural moisture; however, it can get dehydrated if the cells underneath the barrier lose too much water. This can leave the skin looking dull and show fine wrinkles more visibly.

The Protex® Plus Moisture Lock with Duo Oil range was developed to strengthen your skin’s natural ability to lock in moisture. It is both an antibacterial soap and a soap bar that locks in moisture. This is because it uses flax seed oil and hempseed oil to nourish the skin while shielding 99.9% of germs. Flax seed oil helps to balance oil production, improve the skin barrier, and nourish the skin. If a deeply nourishing bar soap is high on your self-care priority list, then this Protex bar soap is for you.

*The above towel tips are provided for informational purposes only. Colgate-Palmolive does not accept any liability should the below recommendations have a contrary result to the intended result. Never disregard professional advice or delay seeking it because of something you have read in this article.


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Protex® Plus Moisture Lock Duo Oil AntiGerm Bar Soap

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Protex® Plus Moisture Lock Nourishing AntiGerm Bar Soap

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